GOHFER Software
GOHFER® is a multi-disciplinary, integrated geomechanical fracture simulator that incorporates all the tools necessary for conventional and unconventional well completion design, analysis and optimization. GOHFER, which stands for Grid Oriented Hydraulic Fracture Extension Replicator, is a planar 3-D geometry fracture simulator with a fully coupled fluid/solid transport simulator. GOHFER has been continually developed and refined by Dr. Robert D. Barree & Barree & Associates LLC for over 40 years. GOHFER® and Barree & Associates were acquired by Halliburton in 2018.
GOHFER® is managed, sold and supported by Halliburton Production Enhancement (PE).
Select a module below to learn more.
Petrophysical Analysis
Petrophysical Analysis – Comprehensive petrophysical analysis package with built-in synthetic correlations for mechanical rock properties and gas identification. QC or replace poor or absent sonic data and ability to incorporate core data.
Fracture Simulation & Production
Fracture Simulation & Production – Finite difference gridded solution assuming shear/slip fracture geometry (not linear elastic). Vertical and horizontal anisotropy, spatially variable leakoff and limited entry design/multiple simultaneous fracture initiation sites. Handles impact of secondary fracture systems on fluid leakoff/proppant transport and geometry. 3D Complex horizontal fracture modeling – longitudinal and transverse components. Variable inter/intra-stage fracture stress shadow interference factor. Multi-stage/multi-cluster modeling capability for plug & perf or ball drop simulations. Fracture orientation determined by stress azimuth, independent of well direction.
GOHFER Production handles cleanup, multiphase non-Darcy flow and stress (proppant crushing) based on 30 years of Stimlab Inc. research. Handles production interference of multiple transverse fractures and allows for optimization of fracture spacing in unconventional reservoir development.
Pressure Diagnostics
Pressure Diagnostics – Complete pressure diagnostic analysis package including step rate and blowdown analysis; fracture closure analysis and determination and effects of primary leakoff mechanism; after closure analysis for pore pressure and permeability. Also includes a permeability estimation from G function analysis.
Production Analysis
Production Analysis – Uses actual production data to analyze post-frac performance and assess stimulation effectiveness. Includes rate transient type-curve analysis, decline curve analysis, production forecasting to ultimate recovery, and flow regime identification. Determines fracture spacing and effective well spacing for horizontal wells, along with the fraction of the lateral producing.

Real Time
Real-Time – Direct importation of streaming or internet real time data with real time pressure diagnostic analysis, fracture simulation and calculated bottomhole pressure.
GOHFER Advantages
GOHFER 3D is leading the industry into the future with the most current research and technology while challenging outdated philosophies and paradigms giving you more confidence and predictability in your completion strategy. GOHFER’s formulation has been used extensively and successfully in all regions globally in all types of reservoirs and does not require a special module for individual environments. GOHFER’s timely technical support and comprehensive software documentation is unparalleled in the industry.
- GOHFER 3D can handle multiple wells, including vertical and horizontal in the same model
- Multi-layer completions, zipper fracs and offset depletion effects (“parent-child” fracture interaction/frac hits)
- Full 3D geo-mechanical earth model input or optional input of 2D surface map with digital reference well log data
- Variable inter/intra-stage fracture stress shadow interference between each fracture and stage on each well with stress shadow cloud display.
- Wellbore breakdown gradient and angle & breakdown pressure and orientation calculations
- Geosteering of laterals and engineered completions
- Models both the longitudinal and transverse fracture components
- Pressure diagnostic analysis, production forecasting and rate transient analysis
- DAS/DTS integration, perforation erosion and flow diversion modeling
- Production optimization feature to optimize completions on spacing (well spacing/frac spacing) or length (frac length/stage length) to determine maximum economic value.
- What makes GOHFER different?
- Process Zone Stress (PZS) as fracture extension criterion instead of fracture toughness. PZS is directly measurable and can be calibrated from DFIT
- Fully planar three-dimensional transport and deformation, not pseudo-three-dimensional
- Shear-decoupled formulation of large-scale rock deformation
- Realistic fracture screenout behavior and modeling
- Fracture conductivity under actual producing conditions correlated to more than 30 years of laboratory measurements
- Laboratory validated proppant transport model
GOHFER Licensing
GOHFER® is separated into modules that may be purchased or leased independently which allows you to customize your GOHFER package to your needs.
- GOHFER Petrophysical Analysis / Fracture Simulation & Production / Real Time
- GOHFER Pressure Diagnostics
- GOHFER Production Analysis (GPA)
Perpetual with annual maintenance, annual subscription and short-term lease options are available. A yearly maintenance fee is required to access software technical support and software updates for the perpetual option. Maintenance is included during the annual subscription and short-term lease option periods.
An active Halliburton GOHFER Software License Agreement and entitlement is required in order to access the downloads and video tutorial pages of this website.
GOHFER is licensed using the Thales Sentinel RMS licensing technology. There are 3 licensing modes available:
- Standalone – License is installed and accessed on an individual user’s local machine. Only 1 concurrent instance of the application can exist at any given time with a valid license. Software access is allowed on this PC only and no access is allowed to this license from any other workstation. This license may be revoked and rehosted on a new machine.
- Isolated Network – License is installed on an isolated network server. 1 or more concurrent user licenses may be acquired. For example, a 3 concurrent user network license will allow 3 users (separate workstations) to access the software at a time. Licenses may be commuted from the server for use away from the network. This license may be revoked and rehosted to a new server.
- Now Available! – Cloud Network – Same as an isolated network license except a customer managed on-premise or cloud server communicates with cloud server hosted by Thales reducing internal IT management requirements and overhead and providing more efficient servicing of your license.
- *Cloud Network is the preferred network licensing mode

Want to learn more about GOHFER®?
Contact us about licensing and evaluation opportunities.
Technical Resources
- GOHFER Brochure
- GOHFER SPE Paper Reference
- Explaining Fracture Conductivity – Condensed Version New
- A Discussion of Fracture Compliance – White Paper
- Strike-Slip Stress Regime – White Paper
- Stress Shadowing & Fracture Interference – White Paper
- Fracture Conductivity and Cleanup – White Paper
- Application of GOHFER in a Petroleum Engineering Curriculum
- See Additional Technical Documentation on Downloads for more technical resources.